Friday, March 18, 2011

In the beginning....

I don't know where this blog is going to go, I don't even know if I will keep up with it. But I need to start somewhere, I need accountability.

I'm tired.

I'm tied of the mess, I'm tired of "stuff" robbing my joy, I'm tired of always being too busy to enjoy simple things (and feeling guilty when I do!), I'm tired of cranky kids, unorginization, and chaos.

Today is a NEW day!

I have decided to rid my life of anything that I don't love, that robbs my time, my joy and my real passions. I want a home that is cozy, someplace my family wants to be. I want my photography buisness be about passion, art, and joy. I want to be out of debt! I want to cherish my children, enjoying the NOW, and not wishing for them to be older and more independant. I want passion back in my marriage. I want to be an insturment for God, doing His will and spending my time in His word. I want to spend my time doing things that matter.

I know it is going to take baby steps. I know change won't be easy. I know my husband and kids are not always going to like it, but in the end I really think it will be woth while. I don't know where this journey is going to take me but I have to start some place.

The most ovious will be my home. De-junking, orginizing, and minimizing. I have made a list.I'll satrt one room at a time,one cubbard, one drawer, one plile. I will suceed!

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